Tips and tricks

    Choosing the right grit size

    The grit size refers to the size of the abrasive particle and is printed on the back of the abrasive material. Grit sizes are numbered as follows: 16, 24, 36, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, 120… and up to 2000. The smaller the grit size (16 to 60), the coarser the abrasive material. They are used for heavy treatment of materials – removing top layers, shaping and leveling. Abrasives with high grit sizes are used for medium and fine treatment – for smoothing and polishing. The change of the grit size when moving to the next phase of the production should never be greater than two grit sizes. For example, if you used grit 36 abrasive, the next one you use shouldn’t be higher than 50; if you used grit 40, the next is 60 or less etc.

    How to achieve the best sanding results?

    While sanding, pay attention to couple of things and you can easily improve the final result: - sand equaly the entire surface - put the abrasive as flat on the work surface as possible - let the tool and the abrasive do the work if you're using a machine. If you prefer hand sanding, wrap the abrasive around a piece of wood or use abrasive sponges and non-woven abrasives. - use paper abrasives for soft materials and light sanding and cloth or fiber abrasives for hard materials and heavy-duty sanding jobs.

    Dust-free sanding

    Sand-dust is so small it can easily travel through respiratory system and penetrate the lungs. Equaly dangerous are the small wood, metal or plastic particles and paint and varnish remains. Therefore, using protective masks is highly recommended. If you want to prevent the dusting of the working area, vacuum during the sanding. By doing so, you will increase the efficiency and lifetime of the abrasives.

    Correct use of grinders and abrasive discs

    While sanding with grinders you don’t have to press the grinder to the surface – all you have to do is hold it and move it in the desired direction. Pay attention to the correct way of sanding with a machine.

    the right way of sanding with grinders/discs

    How to storage coated abrasives?

    In normal weather conditions: temperature around 20˚C and relative humidity of 65%. If the air is to dry, the sheet edges will turn up, and if the humididty is to high, the edges will turn down. Keep the abrasives above the floor to avoid humidity apsorbition and deformations.